Scald the 2 cups milk over boiling water; mix sugar, salt, flour and rest of milk. Stir into the hot mixture and cook slowly until thickens, stirring constantly. Cover and cook over boiling water ( in double boiler) for 5 minutes. Add mix SLOWLY to egg yolks (so they don’t curdle) and cook one minute longer. Add margarine and vanilla. Cool. Line Your pie shell with sliced bananas and when you pour your pudding mix in, top it off with more slices.


Beat egg whites with 1/4 tsp cream of tartar and 1/2 tsp vanilla until frothy. Then add 2 level Tbsp sugar slowly for each egg white. Beat at high speed till stands in high peaks.

Spread over top of pie, covering edges well.

Bake at 350 ONLY til peaks are lightly browned. And cut yourself a piece!!